Gymnema Sylvestre Madhunashini Plant


Pot Size: 4"
Sale priceRs.420.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days


Water Requirement

Non Fragrant








Outdoor Sun

Sunlight Requirement


With Pots



Product Description

Madhunashini is a climbing plant, producing stems up to 3 metres long. The leaves are green; the stems are hairy and light brown. It is a well-known Ayurvedic herb with a very good reputation in the treatment of diabetes. It is used particularly to reduce sugar levels in the blood and urine and is also used as a green vegetable.





Asia & Africa


Madhunashini is a climbing plant, producing stems up to 3 metres long. The leaves are green; the stems are hairy and light brown. The leaves are 2- 6 cm in length and 1 - 4 cm in width and are simple, petiolate and opposite, with an acute
apex and reticulate venation. They are pubescent on both surfaces . They have a characteristic odour; the taste is slightly bitter and stringent. The leaves also possess the remarkable ability to inhibit the perception of sweet tastes for a few hours .

Flowers are pale yellow, bell-shaped. Corona is single, with 5 fleshy scales. The stems scramble over the ground, climbing into the surrounding vegetation.

Gumar is a well-known Ayurvedic herb with a very good reputation in the treatment of diabetes. It is used particularly to reduce sugar levels in the blood and urine and is also used as a green vegetable.


Madhunashini prefers tropical and sub-tropical type of climate. It is found growing even in dry areas also. The areas with high or medium well distributed rainfall are suitable for its cultivation.

The crop is found growing on a variety of soil in different localities. Red sandy loam or medium deep black soil are reported to be ideal for this crop. The plant is sensitive to water logging and hence its cultivation on such soil should be avoided

The plant grows best in areas with a well-distributed rainfall

Landscape Uses

Specimen decoration along fences and trellises.

Although each type of herb has its own growing requirements, most herbs are unfussy plants. They prefer full sun and prosper in good, moderately fertile soil. And most require that the soil be well-drained.

Water the plants everyday and keep the soil moist. Make sure excess water is drained out. Trim the plants in the summers to keep them in good shape. You can keep the herbs on a kitchen windowsill provided you are getting good sunlight there.

Potted herb plants are sensitive to sun and naturally grow towards the source of sunlight. They might start to lean after some time so make sure to rotate the pot in different direction.

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