Krishna Kamal Passiflora Incarnata Plant


Pot size: 5"
Sale priceRs.350.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days


Water Requirement


Flower Color




Flowering Season





Outdoor Sun

Sunlight Requirement




With Pots

Product Description

Passiflora incarnata is a rapid-growing, tendril-climbing vine which is woody in warm winter climates and herbaceous (dies to the ground) in cold winter climates.Full sun, a southern exposure, is necessary for optimum growth and flowering.

Wild Passion Flower


Southeast America




Passiflora incarnata is a rapid-growing, tendril-climbing vine which is woody in warm winter climates and herbaceous (dies to the ground) in cold winter climates.

Features three-lobed, dark green leaves and showy, 2.5" diameter, fringed flowers having white petals and sepals and a central crown of pinkish-purple filaments. Flowers bloom in summer and are fragrant.

Fleshy, egg-shaped, edible fruits called maypops appear in July and mature to a yellowish color in fall. Ripened maypops can be eaten fresh off the vine or made into jelly. Maypop is also a common name for this vine. Maypop name refers to the loud popping sound made when fruits are stepped on.


Full sun, a southern exposure, is necessary for optimum growth and flowering. If flowers fail to open, it is usually due to insufficient light.

Bring the soil to a state of visual dryness between waterings. When watering, thoroughly saturate the soil until a little water runs out of the bottom of the pot. Growing in a clay pot will help maintain a healthy root system.

Landscape Uses

May be used on trellises, arbors, walls or fences. The unique flower and edible fruit make this vine an extremely interesting plant for the garden.

Flowering plants need access to bright sunlight to remain healthy and blooming. An easy facing balcony is the best place for the plants in Indian conditions. Try keeping them in bright sunlight but also where they get a little cover from the harsh afternoon sun. Some plants which are a little tender tend to burn due to the same.

Plants with thin leaves need daily watering and ones with thick leaves need watering 3-4 times a week. This will also depend on the season. Generally during the blooming period, plants love a lot of water. Try keeping the soil moist. During winters it is better to cut back on watering.

Keep the plants in a well drained soil with a drainage hole at the bottom. This will help to avoid over watering. Take care as to not leave stagnant water on top of the soil. Fertilise the plant once in 2-3 weeks during its blooming period. Do not fertilise it in winters.

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